After spending a good chunk of change on coloring your hair, you might be wondering how to keep colored hair healthy so that you get the most for your money. The longer you go between visits the more money you save! Let’s talk about how to keep colored hair healthy and how to make colored hair last longer so that you can put some money back in your pocket.


Cut Back On Heat.

Styling tools can dry your hair out even more and cause it to look unhealthy. If you are one to straighten your hair every day, you definitely want to cut back on that. I used to and while it straightened my hair, it also left my hair dry and unhealthy looking.

Here’s what I’m using now instead of the flat iron:


This Revlon hair styler is incredible!

It straightens my hair as it dries so I no longer have to use a flat iron! This has helped me cut back tremendously on the time I spend drying my hair as well as protecting it from heat overkill. I go into details along with a short video on the post so check it out.


So we know that heat dries out our hair which means we need to do whatever we can to protect it before applying heat. Treat your hair with heat protectant spray before drying and styling with any hot tool.


I avoided expensive hair products for years. I always thought that the cheaper brands were just as good and that it was not necessary to spend any more money than I had to on my hair. I was already spending so much coloring it!

I was dead wrong.

My hair color would start turning very quickly on me after getting it dyed. Like within two weeks! So at the recommendation of my stylist , I switched shampoos and went with a more expensive brand. I researched on my own and thought that Olaplex would be the best choice.

So I started using Olaplex Shampoo and Conditioner.


Let me tell you what a difference this has made!!

My hair stopped changing color and turning red and it also made my hair so healthy!

Not only has it helped transform my hair, but it smells wonderful too. As if I just walked out of the salon.

This shampoo and conditioner repairs, moisturizes and strengthens your hair.


It doesn’t contain any parabens, sulfates or phthalates.

It made my hair silky soft and smooth. Now I can really go longer without washing my hair because it is so much healthier.

It was totally worth it for me to make the switch. It saved my hair and saved me money! You also don’t need to use a lot of product as the products are more concentrated so you don’t need as much. Less product means that it’s going to last you a long time.

If you haven’t tried this yet, go ahead and take a chance on this. I can’t imagine you would be disappointed.



This will help maintain the color a lot longer. For some, this may be easy to do and others may be thinking there’s no way!

Many years ago I would wash my hair daily. Now it’s once or twice a week depending on the kind of week I have. Saves me tons of time and my hair looks so much better.

If you have greasy hair, this is where dry shampoo comes in. It will help prolong the time you need to wash your hair every week.

If you can make it 2 to 3 days between washes your hair will thank you.

This living proof dry shampoo is one of the best along with this more affordable option, Batiste Dry Shampoo.

When you wash your hair you are washing away a little bit of the color in addition to stripping your hair of the natural oils it has. In essence, stripping away the moisture that keeps your hair healthy.

If you wash less, you are preserving the color in addition to keeping your colored hair healthy!


Okay, so this is my least favorite tip on how to keep colored hair healthy!

You need to wash with lukewarm water.

Hot water opens the cuticle and leaves your hair looking frizzier. It also means the color can escape. So when you are ready to wash try to make the temp cooler or at least finish with a splash of cool water to seal the cuticles.

Ever notice that hair dryers have the cool setting? That’s why. We’re supposed to finish with a blast of cool air to make our hair look smooth and shiny. We need to seal the cuticle.

So the same goes for washing your hair. Ease up on the hot water and finish up with a splash of cold water. Have a robe close by to warm you up!


Depending on where you live, you may have an issue with hard water.

Hard water is so harsh on your skin and hair. It causes dry skin problems and it is surely drying out your hair and fading your color as well. You can install a water filter on your shower head to fix the problem.


Photo by Rodrigo Felix from Pexels

The sun is going to fade your hair color so if you want to keep your colored hair healthy and make it last longer you should:

-wear a straw hat or baseball cap when you are going to be out in the sun all day

-spray your hair before going out in the sun with a UV Protectant Spray

I hope I’ve given you some ideas on how you can keep your colored hair healthy and that it also gets you more time in between salon visits.

Since I’ve incorporated these things, I have been able to push back my hair appointments by a few weeks! Not to mention I’m happier because my color is staying the same and my hair is healthier.


Have a wonderful day!



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