
Do you shave before or after exfoliating? With the weather starting to warm up we’ll be baring our legs in no time. So what’s the secret to silky smooth legs? It’s lies in the answer to this question:

Do you Shave before or after exfoliating?

Answer: AFTER!

Were you surprised by that answer? Maybe not, but I know a lot think exfoliating before shaving might be too irritating for your skin.

The truth is, as long as you use gentle exfoliation it won’t irritate at all.

Exfoliating before you shave is going to give you the closet shave and prevent ingrown hairs from appearing. It will unclog those pores so that the razor can actually reach those hairs!

How To Get Silky Smooth Legs.


1. Let Hair Soften

Start by softening your hair in the shower with warm water or a warm bath. Don’t just hop in and start shaving right away. That’s not going to get you a close shave and can also give you bad razor burn. Make sure you soften the hair first by allowing warm water to run over your legs.

2. Exfoliate

Exfoliate before you shave so that you remove and debris and clogged pores that could be clogging your hair follicle. You can do this with an exfoliating washcloth, sugar scrub or loofah pad. Don’t scrub too hard, just enough to remove the top layer of skin.

3. Apply a Shaving Cream

If you use a shaving cream it will help protect against nicks, cuts and razor burn. It also acts as a moisturizer and nourishes your skin. Anytime I skip this step I regret it! It definitely makes a difference in the shave and how soft your skin feels after.

4. Shave

Be sure to use a clean razor and preferably one that has a built-in moisture guard for those with sensitive skin. There is only one razor that I will use now because it gives me the closest shave I’ve ever had. I couldn’t believe it, but it works that well girls. Check out my honest Billie Razor Review HERE.

5. Moisturize

Make sure you don’t skip moisturizing immediately after. Your skin will be most eager to absorb moisture right when you step out. So apply moisturizer right away and then you can lock in the moisture and also help soothe freshly shaven legs.

After doing all the above steps, you should be left with beautiful silky skin!

Next Step! Self Tanner…… Check out my favorite self tanner that I’ve been using for a year now.

Have a great day!




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